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비밀 검사에서 경고 평가

경고의 유효성 검사와 같이 경고를 평가하고 수정의 우선 순위를 지정하는 데 도움이 되는 추가 기능에 대해 알아봅니다.

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People with admin access to a public repository can view 비밀 검사 경고 for the repository.

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사용자에 대한 비밀 검사 경고은(는) 퍼블릭 리포지토리에서 무료로 제공됩니다. GitHub Enterprise Cloud를 사용하면서 GitHub Advanced Security 라이선스가 있는 조직은 또한 프라이빗 리포지토리와 내부 리포지토리에서 사용자에 대한 비밀 검사 경고을(를) 사용하도록 설정할 수 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 "비밀 검사 경고 정보" 및 "GitHub Advanced Security 정보"을 참조하세요.

GitHub Enterprise 및 GitHub Advanced Security을(를) 무료로 사용해 보는 방법에 대한 자세한 내용은 GitHub Enterprise Cloud 설명서에서 "GitHub Enterprise Cloud 평가판 설치" 및 "Setting up a trial of GitHub Advanced Security"을 참조하세요.

About evaluating alerts

There are some additional features that can help you to evaluate alerts in order to better prioritize and manage them. You can:

  • Check the validity of a secret, to see if the secret is still active. Applies to GitHub tokens only. For more information, see "Checking a secret's validity."
  • Review a token's metadata. Applies to GitHub tokens only. For example, to see when the token was last used. For more information, see "Reviewing GitHub token metadata."
  • Review the labels assigned to the alert. For more information, see "Reviewing alert labels."

Checking a secret's validity

Validity checks help you prioritize alerts by telling you which secrets are active or inactive. An active secret is one that could still be exploited, so these alerts should be reviewed and remediated as a priority.

By default, GitHub checks the validity of GitHub tokens and displays the validation status of the token in the alert view.

Organizations using GitHub Enterprise Cloud with a license for GitHub Advanced Security can also enable validity checks for partner patterns. For more information, see "Checking a secret's validity" in the GitHub Enterprise Cloud documentation.

Active secretactiveGitHub checked with this secret's provider and found that the secret is active
Possibly active secretunknownGitHub does not support validation checks for this token type yet
Possibly active secretunknownGitHub could not verify this secret
Secret inactiveinactiveYou should make sure no unauthorized access has already occurred

You can use the REST API to retrieve a list of the most recent validation status for each of your tokens. For more information, see "REST API endpoints for secret scanning" in the REST API documentation. You can also use webhooks to be notified of activity relating to a secret scanning alert. For more information, see the secret_scanning_alert event in "Webhook events and payloads."

Reviewing GitHub token metadata


Metadata for GitHub tokens is currently in beta and subject to change.

In the view for an active GitHub token alert, you can review certain metadata about the token. This metadata may help you identify the token and decide what remediation steps to take.

Tokens, like personal access token and other credentials, are considered personal information. For more information about using GitHub tokens, see GitHub's Privacy Statement and Acceptable Use Policies.

Screenshot of the UI for a GitHub token, showing the token metadata.

Metadata for GitHub tokens is available for active tokens in any repository with secret scanning enabled. If a token has been revoked or its status cannot be validated, metadata will not be available. GitHub auto-revokes GitHub tokens in public repositories, so metadata for GitHub tokens in public repositories is unlikely to be available. The following metadata is available for active GitHub tokens:

Secret nameThe name given to the GitHub token by its creator
Secret ownerThe GitHub handle of the token's owner
Created onDate the token was created
Expired onDate the token expired
Last used onDate the token was last used
AccessWhether the token has organization access

Reviewing alert labels

In the alert view, you can review any labels assigned to the alert. The labels provide additional details about the alert, which can inform the approach you take for remediation.

Secret scanning alerts can have the following labels assigned to them:

public leakThe secret detected in your repository has also been found as publicly leaked by at least one of GitHub's scans of code, discussions, gists, issues, pull requests, and wikis. This may require you to address the alert with greater urgency, or remediate the alert differently compared to a privately exposed token.
multi-repoThe secret detected in your repository has been found across multiple repositories in your organization. This information may help you more easily dedupe the alert across your organization.

Next steps