Leroy Anderson

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Leroy Anderson
NazionalitàBandiera degli Stati Uniti Stati Uniti
GenereMusica sinfonica
Musica leggera
Periodo di attività musicale1936 – 1975
Strumentopianoforte, organo
Sito ufficiale

Leroy Anderson (Cambridge, 29 giugno 1908Woodbury, 18 maggio 1975) è stato un compositore statunitense.

Proveniente da una famiglia di genitori svedesi emigrati negli Stati Uniti, frequentò da adolescente i corsi di Pianoforte e Teoria Musicale al New England Conservatory di Boston. Nel 1925 entrò alla Harvard University, dove studiò composizione (con Walter Piston e George Enescu), pianoforte, trombone, organo e contrabbasso. In quel periodo suonò il trombone nella Harvard Band. Per un periodo si divise fra la musica e le lingue straniere: dopo aver conseguito il Masters Degree in Music ad Harvard, continuò a frequentare corsi di laurea in lingue al Radcliffe College. I brani e gli arrangiamenti per la Harvard College Band furono notati da Arthur Fiedler, allora direttore della Boston Pops, che cominciò ad eseguirli con la sua orchestra e ad invitarlo per dirigere i suoi pezzi, con concerti negli Stati Uniti ed in Canada. Anderson decise di tentare la carriera del musicista, trasferendosi a New York nel 1936 e negli anni successivi, dopo aver lavorato al Pentagono come interprete durante la seconda guerra mondiale, quando i suoi lavori divennero sempre più popolari, fondò una sua orchestra. Scrisse diversi brani che diventarono dei grandi successi e che ebbero grande diffusione attraverso la radio. "Blue Tango", un brano che combinò i ritmi latini con i linguaggi melodici del jazz americano, fu un successo strepitoso nel 1951. Raggiunse la prima posizione nella Billboard Hot 100 per cinque settimane e fu la prima registrazione strumentale a vendere un milione di copie. Diversi capi orchestra, da Hugo Winterhalter a Guy Lombardo, realizzarono delle versioni di questa composizione.

Alcune composizioni sono state impiegate in film:

  • 1935- Do You Think That Love Is Here To Stay?
  • 1935- Love May Come and Love May Go
  • 1935- The Music in My Heart
  • 1935- What's the Use of Love?
  • 1936- Harvard Fantasy
  • 1938- Jazz Legato
  • 1938- Jazz Pizzicato
  • 1939 - Ticonderoga March
  • 1940- Easter Song
  • 1940- Mother's Whistler
  • 1945- The Syncopated Clock
  • 1945- Promenade
  • 1946- Cambridge Centennial March of Industry
  • 1946- Chicken Reel
  • 1947- Fiddle-Faddle
  • 1947 & 1949- The Irish Suite:
    • 1947 The Irish Washerwoman
    • 1947 The Minstrel Boy
    • 1947 The Rakes of Mallow
    • 1947 The Last Rose of Summer
    • 1949 The Wearing of the Green
    • 1949 -The Girl I Left Behind Me
  • 1947- Old MacDonald Had a Farm
  • 1947- Serenata
  • 1948- Governor Bradford March
  • 1948- Saraband
  • 1948- Sleigh Ride
  • 1949- A Trumpeter's Lullaby
  • 1950- A Christmas Festival (9:00)
  • 1950- Classical Jukebox
  • 1950- The Typewriter
  • 1950- The Waltzing Cat
  • 1951- Belle of the Ball
  • 1951- Blue Tango
  • 1951- China Doll
  • 1951- Horse and Buggy
  • 1951- The Penny Whistle Song
  • 1951- The Phantom Regiment
  • 1951- Plink, Plank, Plunk!
  • 1951- Song of Jupiter
  • 1952- A Christmas Festival (5:45)
  • 1953- The Girl in Satin
  • 1953- Concerto per pianoforte ed orchestra in Do maggiore
  • 1953- Song of the Bells
  • 1953- Summer Skies
  • 1954- Alma Mater
  • 1954- Bugler's Holiday
  • 1954- The First Day of Spring
  • 1954- Forgotten Dreams
  • 1954- Sandpaper Ballet
  • 1954- Scottish Suite:
    • The Bluebells of Scotland
    • Turn Ye To Me
  • 1955- Suite of Carols for Strings
  • 1955- Suite of Carols for Brass
  • 1955- Suite of Carols for Woodwinds
  • 1958 Goldilocks:
    • Goldilocks Overture
    • Come to Me
    • Guess Who
    • Heart of Stone (Pyramid Dance)
    • He'll Never Stray
    • Hello
    • If I Can't Take it With Me
    • I Never Know When to Say When
    • Lady in Waiting
    • Lazy Moon
    • Little Girls
    • My Last Spring
    • Save a Kiss
    • Shall I Take My Heart and Go?
    • Tag-a-long Kid
    • The Pussy Foot
    • Town House Maxixe
    • Who's Been Sitting in My Chair?
  • 1959- Woodbury Fanfare
  • 1960- An Old Fashioned Song
  • 1961- Piece for Rolf
  • 1962- Arietta
  • 1962- Balladette
  • 1962- The Captains and the Kings
  • 1962- Clarinet Candy
  • 1962- The Golden Years
  • 1962- Home Stretch
  • 1962- You Can Always Tell a Harvard Man
  • 1966- Chatterbox
  • 1966- The Cowboy and His Horse
  • 1966- Hens and Chickens
  • 1966- Melody on Two Notes
  • 1966- The Whistling Kettle
  • 1970- Birthday Party
  • 1970- Lullaby of the Drums
  • 1970- March of the Two Left Feet
  • 1970- To a Wild Rose (Edward MacDowell)
  • 1970- Waltz Around the Scale
  • 1972- Wedding March for Jane and Peter
  • 1973- Second Regiment Connecticut National Guard March


Registrazioni del compositore[2]
  • Leroy Anderson's Irish Suite (Decca DL 4050; 1952)
  • Leroy Anderson conducts Blue Tango and other Favorites (Decca DL 8121; 1958)
  • A Christmas Festival (Decca DL 78925 (s); 1959)
  • Leroy Anderson Conducts Leroy Anderson (Decca DL 78865 (s); 1959)
  • Leroy Anderson Conducts His Music (Decca DL 78954 (s); 1960)
  • The New Music of Leroy Anderson (Decca DL 74335 (s); 1962)
  • The Leroy Anderson Collection (Digitally remastered from original Decca analog recordings) (MCA Classics MCAD2-9815-A&B; 1988)
  • The Best of Leroy Anderson: Sleigh Ride (Digitally remastered from original Decca analog master recordings) (MCA Classics MCAD -11710; 1997)
  1. ^ Leroy Anderson: A Bio-Bibliography, Praeger 2004, chapitre 2 - Compositions, p.15-81
  2. ^ Leroy Anderson: A Bio-Bibliography; Burgess Speed, Eleanor Anderson, Steve Metcalf. "Discography - Recordings by the Composer", Praeger, Westport CT USA; 2004, pp 84-94

Libri riguardanti Leroy Anderson:

  • Burgess Speed, Eleanor Anderson, Steve Metcalf: Leroy Anderson: A Bio-Bibliography (Praeger, 2004) ISBN 0-313-32176-0
  • Howard Pollack, Harvard Composers - Walter Piston and his Students (The Scarecrow Press, 1992) ISBN 0-8108-2493-0
  • Edward Jablonski, The Encyclopedia of American Music (Doubleday & Co., Inc. 1981) ISBN 0-385-08088-3
  • George McCue, Music in American Society 1776-1976 (Transaction Books., 1977) ISBN 978-0-87855-634-2
  • Christopher Pavlakis, The American Music Handbook (MacMillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1974) ISBN 0-385-08088-3
  • David Ewen, Popular American Composers - from Revolutionary Times to the Present (H.W. Wilson Co., 1962)
  • Jan-Erik Ander & Jeremy Lamb (translator): New Sweden 1638-1988 (Swedish National Committee for New Sweden '88, 1992) ISBN 91-7176-146-2
  • Steven Ledbetter: 100 Years of the Boston Pops (Boston Symphony Orchestra, Inc., 1985)
  • Joseph Smith: Leroy Anderson - Scandinavian Review (American-Scandinavian Foundation, 2009)
  • Eliot Spalding: Vita: Leroy Anderson (Harvard Review, 1993)
  • Janet Frank: Syncopated Clock, Indeed! (The American Scholar - Phi Beta Kappa Society, 2008)
  • Jane Anderson Vercelli: Composer Leroy Anderson: Cambridge Born and Bred (The Newetowne Chronicle - Cambridge Historical Society, 2008)
  • Joanne Kaufmann: Leroy Anderson: Tuneful Blade Runner (Wall Street Journal, 1995)
  • Anthony Tommasini: Tuneful Gems from a Master: Leroy Anderson (New York Times, 1996)
  • Frederick Fennell: Music by Leroy Anderson (The Instrumentalist, 1990)
  • Anders Neumueller, editor: Leroy Anderson (Swedish Press Society, 1994)
  • Andrew & Martha Sherman, editors: Annual Report dedication to Leroy Anderson (Town of Woodbury, 2008)
  • Norra Strö Hembygdsförening: Norra Strö: Bygden och Folket (Norra Strö Hembygdsförening, 2009) - documentation of Leroy Anderson's parents birthplaces in Sweden
  • Carin Dohlman: Leroy Andersons Julmusik; Wellesley, Massachusetts USA; (Gult och Blatt i Boston-New England, 2009)
  • Hans-Walter Berg: Leroy Anderson: ein Meister der Miniatur; Buchloe, Germany; (Neue Blasmusik, 1992)

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