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Si Wikipedia, tasanayt tilellit.
Asteroid Ida with its own moon Mimas, a natural satellite of Saturn
Planet Jupiter, a gas giant
The Sun, a G-type star Star Sirius A with white dwarf companion Sirius B
Black hole (artist's animation)Vela pulsar, a rotating neutron star
Ghiiiiiiiiiiilobular star clusterPleiades, an open star cluster
The Whirlpool galaxyAbel 2744, Galaxy cluster
The Hubble Ultra-Deep Field 2014 image with an estimated 10,000 galaxiesMap of galaxy superclusters and filaments
Selection of astronomical bodies and objects

Tafekka tagennant neɣ Iynaten igennanen d yal tafekka yellan deg tallunt tuffiɣt, tifekkiwin-a bṭan-t s talɣa tagejdant ar tfekkiwin n usud anafuk yettezzin ɣef tfukt d tfekkiwin n tallunt yaggugen yellan s azɣar n usud anafuk, Dɣa tiddukla tasnallunt tagreɣlant tegzem asmil amezwar ar 3 n telmas: imtiwgen, imtiwgen igezlanen d tifekkiwin timeẓyanin n usud anafuk ma d asmil wis sin ur ila ara (ur yesɛa ara) aglam amaddud deg teddukla tasnallunt maca tettwagzam ar itran d isegniwen d imazellawen.

Amussu n tfekkiwin

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Tagrawt tanafukt

Ammas agratraw
